Marini on the liturgy

Many thanks to the New Liturgical Movement for translating an interview given by Mgr Guido Marini , Papal Master of Ceremonies, to the March issue of the periodical Radici Cristiane . the original Italian text of the interview is carried on the Vatican Website . The whole interview is well worth reading but let me pick out a couple of items that struck me particularly. First of all in regard to vestments: Pope Benedict XVI recently said in an address that "society speaks with the clothes that it wears." Do you think this could apply to the liturgy? In effect, we all speak by the clothes that we wear. Dress is a language, as is every form of external expression. The liturgy also speaks with the clothes it wears, and with all its expressive forms, which are many and rich, ever ancient and ever new. In this sense, "liturgical dress", to stay with the terminology you have used, must always be true, that is, in full harmony with the truth of the mystery celebrated. The e...