
Showing posts from February, 2011

High Court judgement: Christian belief inimical to children

Experienced foster parents Eunice and Owen Johns have been told today that their beliefs are inimical to the interests of children. They were not willing to say that the practice of homosexuality was a positive thing. The landmark judgement of the High Court means that Christians who hold to traditional Christian moral teaching on sexual ethics are now not considered suitable foster parents in Britian. (See: article by the Christian Legal Centre .) The Judges were obviously concerned to avoid being accused of discriminating against Christians and so they ruled: That there is no religious discrimination against the Johns because they were being excluded from fostering due to their moral views on sexual ethics and not their Christian beliefs It seems that their Lordships want to rule on what we ought to believe as Christians. Andrea Minichiello Williams of the Christian Legal Centre is right when she says that "Britain is now leading Europe in intolerance against religious beli

Sicut passer solitarius in tecto

Photo credit: Ivane Goliadze at Panoramio On a column near the village of Katschki in West Georgia, not far from the city of Chiatura, a Church was constructed, probably between the 6th and 8th centuries, on the site of a pagan temple. An Orthodox priest, Fr Maxim, has lived in the Church for 18 years. He is quoted as saying: Since I was a child I dreamed of settling on the top of this pillar as other hermits did in ancient times. When I came here with my friends I envied the monk who had lived there long ago – now I am here too I am happy. The Church it is currently being restored by some volunteers. It does look a bit of a mess but I have seen a Church in Cyprus in no better a state and without the need to climb a rusty ladder to get to it. Thanks to the Daily Mail for this extraordinary story: The high church: Chapel that really IS that little bit closer to God . See also the article at the Meglaithic Portal for some more images. Thanks to that site, I got the latitude and lon

New New RSV to be published soon

The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible has been in print for some years. A new edition, the "Anglicized New Revised Standard Version" with the Grail Psalms is to be published on 3 March. (See: Amazon UK ) The Publishers' product description is as follows: A new edition of the Bible aimed especially at Roman Catholics, including both the anglicized Catholic text of the NRSV translation, and the much loved Grail Psalms. For years, Catholics have been waiting for a Bible including both the NRSV Bible and the Grail Psalms. Now, it is here at last. The NRSV is increasingly becoming the most popular translation among Catholics, and it will be used in the new edition of the Lectionary which is coming soon. The much loved Grail Psalms are already in wide liturgical use, and will continue to be. This Bible also includes additional features such as Mass Readings and maps. It is understandable for the publisher to make claims such as "Catholics have been waiting&

New English Missal cover and CTS blog

The Catholic Truth Society has started a blog called CTS Catholic Compass . One of the first posts was to give information about the cover for the new edition of the Roman Missal in English which will contain the new (corrected) translation of the Latin editio typica . (See:  New Missal's cover explained ) The Greek Cross on the front of the book, and the decorated edges do help to emphasise that this is a book for the Divine Liturgy in which we worship God and beseech Him to sanctify us. I am looking forward to further information about the Missal, and especially the illustrations that have been selected.

Prayers, please, for baby Ava

Ava is one month old and has contracted meningitis. Her father has asked me to pray for her. I am remembering her in the memento at Mass and will celebrate Mass for her on Monday. Ava's father was happy for me to request prayers here. So please - Rosaries, Masses, Novenas, Divine Mercy chaplet, Holy Communions ... If you are not able to do anything else, please take a moment right now to say a Hail Mary.

Splendid collection of scanned books

Don Paco of the Ite ad Thomam blog, has scanned hundreds of volumes for the Ite ad Thomam Out-of-Print Library . The amazing collection includes many text books would help you to earn that " Unreconstructed Ossified Manualist " mug: there are some real gems there. As well as the works of St Thomas, there is also Mansi's Sacrorum Conciliorum and the entire Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique to give just a couple of examples. The files come with a request for donations - $10 per file or $500 for the whole collection.

40 Days for Life

From 9 March to 17 April, people all over the world will be praying and witnessing in a concerted pro-Life effort to bring awareness of the evil of abortion, to bring help and consolation to those who have been drawn into the culture of death, and to unite people who believe in the sanctity of human life 40 Days for Life is an international pro-life initiative which takes place in many locations around the world. It involves prayer, vigils and community action to draw attention to the evil of abortion and to help people to understand the sanctity of human life. In London, there will be a 40 day prayer vigil outside the Bedford Square BPAS clinic. The London group has its own 40 Days for Life blog  giving news about the event. The "Kick-Off Rally" will be on Tuesday 8 March from 7pm-8.30pm. The location for the rally is the northwest corner of Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HP which is opposite BPAS Clinic. There will be a prayer vigil, followed by a social. You can indic

Forms, the body and the Fathers

The philosophy of forms and the theology of the body have been the focus of the first two talks at the Faith Theological Symposium at Ampleforth. Fr Stephen Boyle this morning looked at some different ways in which Pope John Paul's "theology of the body" audiences have been interpreted, and showed that his emphasis throughout on the problem of concupiscence gives no room for some of the exaggerated ways in which people have spoken about the body. This afternoon, Fr David Barrett will be speaking about St Hilary of Poitiers. He will soon be defending his doctorate on St Hilary so it will be good to hear from him about one of my favourite Fathers. I'm afraid that internet access is a bit restricted since I have to use a computer in the hospitality office (office hours only.) I had to make sure that my Catholic Herald comment got in on time this afternoon. Comment moderation and further blogging will have to wait until tomorrow.

Holy Year for Nuns

St Conleth's Catholic Heritage have proposed observing a Holy Year for nuns. Here is the text of the post: Following the Holy Year for Priests, it is surely time to pray for consecrated women. Therefore, dear reader, we urge you to ask Ecclesiastical Authorities to dedicate a special year to give thanks to God for Nuns and to pray for Nuns and for more Nuns. What better way to do honour to St. Brigid? Please proclaim an Holy Year for Nuns! Ora pro populo, interveni pro clero, intercede pro devoto femineo sexu! The Latin text of the last line is from the Benedictus antiphon when the office is celebrated of the Blessed Virgin Mary on a Saturday. The full text is: Beata Dei Genitrix Maria, * Virgo perpetua, templum Domini, sacrarium Spiritus sancti: sola sine exemplo placuisti Domino nostro Jesu Christo: ora pro populo, interveni pro clero, intercede pro devoto femineo sexu. O Blessed Mary, Mother of God, perpetual Virgin, temple of the Lord, sanctuary of the Holy Ghost, wi

Photos of St Aloysius Glasgow

Photographer Stephen Lipton provides an opportunity for us to rejoice in beautiful Church architecture. A correspondent who sent me some photos of really ghastly Churches pointed me to photos of St Aloysius Church in Glasgow. The Church was designed by architect Charles Menart and built between 1908 and 1910. These photos form part of a very impressive photostream on Flickr. Glaswegians may especially appreciate the set devoted to their city . Many thanks to Stephen for permission to post the photos here.

Goodbye to Oscar

Oscar was a very good-natured dog. I am not at my ease normally with dogs but he was so friendly that he overcame my hard-wired anxiety which dates from my early childhood when I was bitten a couple of times by uncontrolled canines. Sadly Oscar has had to go the way of all flesh. Please pray for his owner to whom he was a good companion.

Usus antiquior Mass returns to Croatia

Congratulations to Benedictus , the Society for the Promotion of the Traditional Mass in Croatia. Tomorrow morning at 11.30am they have the first traditional Mass since Summorum Pontificum , arranged at the Church of St. Martin in Zagreb. The Mass is scheduled to be said there at the same time every Sunday and Holyday from now on. 11.30am in Croatia is 10.30am in England so I will be celebrating the traditional Mass at the same time and will remember them at the altar. This development in Croatia has been followed at the Rorate Caeli blog ( The PCED intervenes in Croatia ) which reported on  correspondence  with the Diocese of Zagreb and the PCED, available in the original Croatian and in English translation. Thanks to a constructive intervention on the part of the PCED, and the co-operation of the Archbishop of Zagreb,  Josip Cardinal Bozanić , the diocese of Zagreb has followed the provisions of  Summorum Pontificum in response to the petitions of a stable group .  Auxiliary Bish

Papal Household scam warning

From yesterday's Bollettino : COMMUNIQUE OF THE PREFECTURE OF THE PAPAL HOUSEHOLD The Prefecture of the Papal Household, having been informed of the existence of unauthorised offers by some Tour Operators, especially on internet, of assistance in procuring tickets, with a service charge, for General Audiences and Papal ceremonies, particularly for the Beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II on Sunday, May 1, wishes to make it clear that: 1) For the Beatification Mass of Pope John Paul II, as made clear from the outset, no tickets are required. 2) The tickets provided by the Prefecture of the Papal Household for General Audiences and Papal ceremonies are always issued FREE of charge and no person or organization can request any kind of payment. [00244-02.01]

Motu Proprio Appeal

There have recently been reports of possible restrictions on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in the forthcoming Instruction which is to be issued in clarification. It should be added that these reports have been contradicted by other sources and so the situation remains a little confused. It would, of course, be a great pity if the Ambrosian rite were to be excluded from the provisions of Summorum Pontificum or if there were restrictions placed on Bishops wishing to use the usus antiquior for ordinations. One would hope that some recognition would be given to the magnificent response of the faithful to the provision of the traditional Mass as shown, for example in the above photo. The main points of concern raised so far can be found at these posts at Rorate Caeli: The Instruction - I Non-Roman rites and uses: a small sample of things to come, the risk of a return to the "indult" mentality The Instruction - II Ghettoization must start in Ordination The Itali

Gratia ad robur: the example of Manny Pacquiao

Filipino boxer, Emmanuel Dapidran Pacquiao, generally known as "Manny" (or "Pacman") has fought at various weights in a glittering career and is regarded as the number one "pound for pound" boxer. Coming from a background of extreme poverty, he left home at 14 and lived on the streets of Manila. Married with four children, he was elected last May to the Filipino House of Representatives, representing the province of Sarangani. He is also a military reservist with the rank of Sergeant Major. Manny attributes his sporting success to the grace of God. When he returns to the Philippines after winning a fight abroad, he attends Mass in thanksgiving Mass at the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila. (I wonder if he could be persuaded to contribute to the building of a minor Basilica in Blackfen?) Manny has generously supported charitable projects, especially providing for the education of poor people in his native Mindanao. While on the ro

Mugs, manuals and Newman

Father Z has been busy designing new mugs. I enjoyed his post today about the Unreconstructed Ossified Manualist mug , "sure to bolster solid priests and annoy liberals everywhere." Father is right in pointing to the wholesale ditching of theological and moral manuals in the wake of the second Vatican Council. I hope you don't need me to point out that there is nothing in the Council to justify such a radical departure. There were some drawbacks with the manualist approach, particularly if the lecturer did not inject any life into the course or allow students to ask questions. We also need to take account of theology that has been written recently: further investigation of some of the work of St Thomas, for example (and possibly refutation of some of the wilder speculation which is contrary to the magisterium.) The moral manuals would have needed new material on bioethical questions and social teaching. Rather more important that those reservations is to remind ours

A prayerful "St John's Day" at the Seminary

Earlier this week I stayed on at the Seminary at Wonersh for an extra day in order to take part in the celebration of St John's Day. The feast day of the principal patron falls on 27 December when everyone is away, so each year another day is chosen to venerate him during the term. On Monday evening there was solemn first Vespers with the Rector, Mgr Jeremy Garrett, as celebrant, and two cantors in copes. After supper there was an hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, concluded by sung Compline and Benediction with one of the recently ordained Deacons as celebrant. For Lauds on the morning of the feast, the Rector was again celebrant for the solemn sung office. At the Mass, Archbishop Peter Smith was celebrant, assisted by several other Bishops and priests, with silver jubilarian Fr Rags Hay-Will preaching. The Sacred Liturgy was a model of dignified celebration of the revised Roman rite. The Divine Office was given its proper part in the liturgical celebration of the f

FSSP in England: forthcoming pastoral and spiritual events

Fr de Malleray and Fr Leworthy FSSP are not letting the grass grow under their feet. The current list of forthcoming events is indeed impressive. Their zeal and diligence is an example to all of us. Here is a barebones list of events listed (so far) until the end of the summer: Lenten Silent Retreat 25-28 March at Douai Abbey Vocation discernment weekend 8-10 April at St John Fisher House (the FSSP residence in Reading) International Juventutem youth gathering 4-6 March in Fribourg,  FSSP pilgrimage for World Youth Day in Madrid 9-21 August Residential retreat (men and women 18-35) at Douai, 9-11 September, organised by Young Catholic Adults and led by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP Day of Recollection on the Feast of St Joseph at Ladyewell Shrine in Broughton (near Preston) on 19 March Full Easter Triduum at St William of York, Reading Sung Mass at Tyburn for the feast of the English Martyrs (4 May), praying for the conversion of England First Solemn High Mass of newly ordained

On being fair to bomb shelters

"That is a bomb shelter, right?" was one Lux Occulta 's reaction to the Church of San Giacomo at Foligno, pictured in my post Storms brewing over Church architecture in Italy . Today I received an email from Simon Cotton which makes me think that the comment was unfair to bomb shelters. In the latest issue of New Directions (p.18), Simon Cotton writes: A church is a church, but hundreds of years ago it might be the only substantial building in a community. When danger threatened, it was a natural refuge, and if danger persisted it was only natural to make it more secure, by fortifying it. The finest collection of these (see New Directions Jan 2010, p. 18) is in the region of NE France called the Thiérache, where most fortifcations that remain today are in 16th and 17th c. brick. The photo above, copied from Simon's article, shows the fortified towers of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Prisces.

"Spiked" on the difference between chimps and humans

" Just another ape? " is the title of Helene Guldberg's book examining the difference between humans and chimpanzees. In the January 2011 Spiked review of of books, in the article " The chasm between great apes and people " she looks at Jon Cohen's " Searching for What Makes Us Human, in Rainforests, Labs, Sanctuaries, and Zoos " and Jeremy Taylor's " Not a Chimp ". The subheading for her article is "For all the claims that apes and humans are genetically ‘98.5 per cent the same’, there is still an unfathomable gap between us." Spiked is a generally left-wing publication which prides itself on being "freethinking" and liberal; there is certainly much with which any orthodox Catholic would disagree. However it has a refreshing ability to question commonly held secular opinion. Helene Guldberg's article is a good example of this. I was personally struck by the article particularly because in many respects i

Storms brewing over Church architecture in Italy

Cardinal Ravasi and "superstar" architect Paolo Portoghesi have laid in to the architectural style of some of the Churches that have recently been built in Italy. Sandro Magister reports today on articles written L'Osservatore Romano: New Churches. The Vatican Flunks the Italian Bishops Cardinal Ravasi attacked the kind of modern Churches [...] in which we find ourselves lost as in a conference hall, distracted as in a sports arena, packed in as at a tennis court, degraded as in a pretentious and vulgar house. Paolo Portoghesi mentioned specifically the three Churches that had won the Italian Bishops' Conference national architectural contest in 2000: those built in Foligno by Massimiliano Fuksas ( above ), in Catanzaro by Alessandro Pizzolato, and in Modena by Mauro Galantino ( below ). Photo credit: Antonio Trogu   Magister's piece concludes with another article published in L'Osservatore , this time by Fr Timothy Verdon, an art historian from the US

Chen Guangcheng latest

Chen Guangcheng is a Chinese lawyer who exposed and spoke out against the policy of forced abortion and sterilisation in the Shandong Province. More than 130,000 women were forced to have abortions as part of the coercive one child policy. He was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison. In 2006 I wrote about the Jubilee campaign to free him . He was not freed and so in 2009 I wrote about the petition to the Prime Minister to Free Chen Guangcheng! Last year he was let out of prison after serving the full four year sentence. However, as Pat Buckley of the European Life network reports, he is still under persecution . Chen is under illegal house arrest, with himself and his family, under intrusive surveillance each day by three shifts of agents, each shift comprising 22 people. Only his 76 year old mother is allowed to go out to buy food. The above video is the first of five parts of a film that he recently made in his house and smuggled out. Here are links to the other p

Congratulations to Rev Edwin Barnes

Former Anglican Bishop, Edwin Barnes, was ordained to the Diaconate this morning by Bishop Crispian Hollis in his private chapel. Rev Barnes' ordination to the priesthood will take place on Saturday 5 March. Rev Barnes was a Provincial Episcopal Visitor, known colloquially as a "flying bishop" and he will be a trusted friend for many Anglicans who are considering taking the step of joining the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. His Ancient Richborough blog has always been an encouragement to Catholic-leaning Anglicans. I owe it a personal debt of gratitude too, since it has for some time provided me with good number of visitors every day. Do read Rev Barnes' post More Revs from which I took the above photo. To the left of Bishop Crispian is the ever cheerful and sound Deacon Stephen Morgan.

Catholic Herald in "Best Catholic Newspaper" finals

Image is now running a poll for the Readers Choice Award 2011 for the best Catholic newspaper. The Catholic Herald is included in the five finalists. The others are all US papers: the National Catholic Register, the National Catholic Reporter, Our Sunday Visitor, and The Wanderer. At the time of writing, the Herald is third. That's not bad at all but a concerted effort from the British Catholic blogs could move it up. Vote here! . Voting ends on 8 March.

The Priority Trust

The Priority Trust has a sharp practical focus of providing mobility equipment for physically disabled children and young people so that they can participate in society and be enabled to achieve their potential Last August, the Catholic Herald ran an interview with Kieran Prior which tells of how he secured a job at Goldman Sachs where he made staggering amounts of money for them despite living with a disability similar to cerebral palsy. (See: Religion and the City go hand in hand ) Kieran wants to ensure that other physically disabled people are able to achieve their potential. In this, a crucial factor is having the right mobility equipment at the right time. As he says: Without the equipment that aids my mobility, my achievements both academically and professionally would have been impossible, rather than difficult. This should never happen again. Going forward we have the opportunity to ensure that every child’s need is met. This specific need is the focus of the Priority Tr

Blog now scrolling faster

I was getting annoyed with the slow and jerky behaviour of the blog when scrolling down or when pressing "page down". I guessed that it might be the re-painting of the screen with the background picture. Having turned off that setting, it now scrolls properly. The other day I also changed the post colours to pure white on pure black rather than light grey on dark grey. I hope that improves things a bit for those who don't like white on black. I'm inclined to keep that for the posts because it does provide a much better setting for photographs. Some time soon, I will adjust the picture to show more of the Tiber - at the request of Sir Dan of the Nesbitry.

Just having a tooth reconstructed

I'm currently blogging from the waiting room at the Birkbeck Dentistry in Sidcup. My dentist, Peter Walsh has been drilling away at a damaged tooth with an old filling, to prepare it for a ceramic reconstruction. The resulting hole is sprayed with reflective powder and a 3D image is taken. A machine then buzzes away to construct a ceramic copy to fit the hole exactly (I suppose there must be some kind of tooth-printer driver.) When that is done, the ceramic piece is inserted into the tooth and bonded to the tooth by ultra-violet light. Injecting, drilling and excavation takes about 45 minutes. Waiting time for the new bit is about 40 minutes (fitting it only takes 5 minutes.) Being a high-tech practice, the dentist has made internet-connected computers available in the waiting room. What a sound chap! (Mind you, the treatment will cost me a few bob. Thank goodness for my parishioners and their generous Christmas offering!) I always find the dentist's chair a good place to

Bishop O'Donoghue to lead Pro-Life Walsingham Pilgrimage

Each year in October there is a pro-life pilgrimage to Walsingham. It has been announced that this year's pilgrimage will be led by the great Bishop O'Donoghue of the highly acclaimed Fit for Mission documents. The Pilgrimage will be on Sunday 2 October. Unfortunately, as it is on a Sunday, it is not possible for me to go, but I do encourage all good pro-lifers to put this in your diary. It might be an occasion for people to talk together about the possibility of a March for Life in London.

Ordinariate puts downsizing on hold

"Oh there will only be a few." This was almost a mantra in the months leading up to the establishment of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. It seems that the "few" is a couple of hundred here, a couple of hundred there, along with various groups of several priests. Fr John Boyle has picked up on an  article in TotalCatholic which reports that seven Anglican priests and 300 lay people from six congregations within the territory of the Diocese of Brentwood are to join the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. This means that significantly more ordinations and receptions are foreseen this year for the Ordinariate alone than the yearly average figure for dioceses in England and Wales. Recently, Bishop Thomas McMahon and the Anglican Bishop of Chelmsford, Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell were interviewed by Radio Essex: the Ordinariate Portal has posted  a transcript . The Catholic Herald adds a significant angle to the story from this interview. (See:  Bishop defe

Notte Illuminata : À la Madone : Andrea Bocelli

Many thanks to Joan in the combox for pointing me to this video of Gounod's À la Madone sung by Andrea Bocelli with some devotional filming of the veneration of a statue of the Madonna.

Up on the roof

I suppose it is a traditional thing for a parish priest to have to get the roof mended. We have had scaffolding up for a week or so to provide access to the ridge tiles. The pointing had eroded in places and some of the tiles had cracked. Here is one that had gone completely: The work is nearly finished and we are all hoping that this will solve the problem of a couple of stubborn leaks that show themselves every time we have heavy rain. This morning, the scaffolder was beginning to take down some of the poles and boards, so I thought I should get up there before I lost the chance. Four ladder climbs later, there was a good view from the top: It was also an opportunity to get a potential profile picture - the scaffolder kindly obliged: He also got this view with the Shooters Hill water tower on the horizon. From my end of the scaffolding it was hidden by a tree:

Men's Retreat in August

The monks of Saint Joseph de Clairval Abbey in Flavigny, France, will be giving a five-day (silent) retreat for men this August, following the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. The retreat will be from Thursday 18 August to Tuesday 23 August 2011, at Pantasaph in North Wales. Mass will be celebrated each day during the retreat according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Here are the links to find out more, or to register for the retreat: Information about the Retreat Registration

My article on Mutual Enrichment for Usus Antiquior

My article  'Mutual Enrichment' in Theory and Practice  has just been published in the latest edition of the journal Usus Antiquior . Here is the abstract: To what extent may the prayers and ceremonial actions of the usus antiquior be used in the celebration of Mass according to the Missal of Pope Paul VI? Examples of some elements being used by Archbishop Ranjith and Pope Benedict XVI seem to contradict in practice the idea that such enrichment is forbidden. An often quoted text from Notitiae , which discouraged the use of traditional elements, is examined and found wanting, especially in the light of Summorum Pontificum , which is considered in terms of its application to the celebration of the newer form of Mass. The enhancement of the newer form of Mass by the addition of elements from the usus antiquior is distinguished from arbitrary deformation of the liturgy and from the imposition of the priest’s personal whims. Some possible future practical developments are out

Gearing up for WYD 2011

This would be a good advertisement to show to young people wondering about going to World Youth Day. It is made by Grassroots Films - the ones who made "Fishers of Men." H/T Elizabeth Scalia The Anchoress , via Deacon Greg Kandra at The Deacon's Bench

RCOG proposes to deny abortion risks

Maria Stops Abortion , the blog of the Good Counsel Network has posted on the consultation launched by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on their proposed guidelines for the care of women requesting induced abortion. See: RCOG Guidelines Want All Medics to Deny Abortion Has Serious Risks Here is a link to the text of the proposed guidelines . Claire McCullogh gives a few examples of the "care" that is proposed for women: Women should be informed that induced abortion is not associated with an increase in breast cancer. Women should be informed that there are no proven associations between induced abortion and subsequent ectopic pregnancy, placenta praevia or infertility. Women should be informed that induced abortion is associated with a small increase in risk of subsequent preterm birth, which increases with the number of abortions. Women should be informed that most women who have abortions do not experience adverse psychological sequelae. There is

Mantilla poll at WDTPRS

Fr Z has a mantilla poll - well actually they are usually called "chapel veils" in the US, I think. The poll asks: "Should women in the Latin Church wear some kind of head-cover in church?" and gives a number of possible responses. Go over and cast a vote: it would be interesting to see how this turns out with a reasonably large number of respondents. If you want some background information, there is a lengthy post at the Catholic Knight: The Chapel Veil - Veiling or Head Covering - Fully Explained That article has this fascinating newspaper clipping: Rev Bugnini no less! The clipping has no date but it refers to the Congregation for Divine Worship as "new." The CDW was erected on 8 May 1969.

Pictures from Mass at Joint Ops HQ

Last Tuesday, the feast of St Ignatius of Antioch, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP celebrated Mass according to the usus antiquior at the UK's Operating Headquarters at Northwood. There is normally no more than a handful of people at Mass so getting fifteen people along was a bonus at a base where there is a constant high tempo of activity. Fr de Malleray heard confessions before Mass and gave a sermon in which he reflected on sacrifice and the love of God, and on St Ignatius' witness as a martyr. He also spoke about the meaning of true Christian martyrdom out of love for God and neighbour, in contrast with the hate of terrorists who kill themselves in order to harm others. At a small reception afterwards, Fr de Malleray was able to meet the military and civilian Catholics at the HQ. About half the congregation were unfamiliar with the older form of the Mass but many were enthusiastic about attending such a Mass again. Here is a photo of Commander Neville McNally (who serve

Writings of Fr William Most online

Photo credit: George P Landow at The Victorian Web The Curt Jester has posted on the book "Free from all Error" in which Fr William Most defends the inerrancy of scripture and, at the same time, gives a good introduction to many topics in the study of the scriptures. As the text is available online, Jeff has also kindly made up ebook versions of it in the two popular formats epub, and mobi (for Kindle etc.) I was grateful for the link to the collection of Fr Most's works at the Catholic Culture Library. Have a look also at the main page of the library - there is quite a large collection of articles there.

In which Fr Andrew doesn't joke but I do

Fr Andrew Brookes OP answers a question today: Quodlibet 34 - The differences between Dominicans and Franciscans? . I must confess that when I saw this in the feed reader, I thought it was going to be a humorous answer as there are many jokes about such questions. Don't worry - I will tell you one in a minute, but before that, have a look at Fr Andrew's post because it is a good, brief answer to the kind of question that many people ask. Jokes about rivalry between religious orders are just friendly banter: among those who respect their own vocation, there is always a great respect for the authentic vocation of others. Here is the conclusion of Fr Andrew's answer: Although both Dominic and Francis both lived very poor personal lives, Franciscans are seen to place a higher value on poverty as an end in itself in following Jesus whereas Dominicans tend to see it as helping us to live simply and be free to preach and to love and to trust in God, so it is more of a means to

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