Would you accept a lift from these people?


Reg and Scott run a cab firm Dodgy Motors from an upstairs office near the Elephant and Castle. They have quite a bad reputation but we must not exaggerate. Let’s put their track record in perspective. 98% of their journeys result in the passenger arriving at her/his destination alive and without serious injury. That is to say that in an average year, for every 100 journeys, only 2 of their passengers will be involved in a major prang.

The thing is, going home late at night with Dodgy Motors is an exciting and exhilarating experience. Many young people are rather hooked on the thrill of jumping as many red lights as possible on the Old Kent Road. In fact, couples have found their relationship enhanced by the shared experience of holding hands tightly as they bowl through South London on their way home from a nightclub up West.

Clearly, we want to prevent the needless deaths and injuries that can occur. There are two strategies that have been proposed.

Risk reduction approach
Studies have shown that the risk of travelling with Dodgy Motors is significantly reduced by wearing a seat belt. Wearing a crash helmet is a great help too. In fact, it would be very helpful if crash helmets could be made available at pubs, clubs, kebab outlets, and public toilets within a two mile radius of the Elephant & Castle.

Blinkered, self-righteous, fundamentalist, moralistic, one-liner, overly simplistic approach that has led to many needless deaths
Don’t get in the car.

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