Pope wears green vestments "intentionally"

Thanks to Teresa Benedetta at the Papa Ratzinger forum, there are full translation of several of the Holy Father's addresses during his recent visit to Loreto. He began his homily to young people, concluding the Agorà 2007 as follows:
“Do not follow the path of pride, rather, follow the path of humility” Go against the trend: do not listen to that chorus of bias and persuasive voices which today put forward a model of life that is drenched in arrogance and violence, in dominance and success at all costs, where appearance and possession to the detriment of others is openly promoted. All of these messages carried by the mass media are aimed at you! Be vigilant! Be critical! Do not follow the trend produced by this powerfully persuasive media.

"Do not be afraid, my dear friends, to prefer the ‘alternative’ route indicated by true love: a sober style of life, a life of solidarity; an honest commitment to your studies and work; a cultivated interest in the common good. Do not be afraid to appear different, or the criticism that you are out of fashion or a loser; people your age, even adults, all of those who seem far from the mentality of the Gospel values, have a deep seated need to see someone who dares to live according to the fullness of humanity manifested by Jesus Christ”.
Of course, the MSM have gone for the silly season interpretation of the whole thing. Rightly lampooned is the Reuters quote in its article Save the planet before it's too late, Pope urges.
Intentionally wearing green vestments, he spoke ...
Errrm. Yep.

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