Los Angeles RE Congress

For Catholic bloggers it is nearly that time of year again: viz. time for the photos of the RE Congress in Los Angeles. The REC website advertises photos for the 2009 event, just finished but they don't seem to be there yet. Here are a few photos from previous years in the "That was not my Mass" genre:

On the website there is a light-hearted invitation to generate your own workshop. I went over and filled out the form:

and here was the result:

Somehow I don't think an invitation will be forthcoming.

Meanwhile, Diogenes has been over to look at the customary Internet chat-room in which the faithful put their questions to Cardinal Mahoney and observes that "His Eminence deals with uncertainties by means of answers that would not occur to Ratzinger. Or Charles Borromeo." For example:
"Troubled: Our parish priests are a bit stand off-ish. What are some suggestions to help us parishioners build a bond with our priests?

Cardinal Mahony: Try giving them a big hug!!!!"
Diogenes points out:
I can think of 714 million excellent reasons -- considering only the Los Angeles Archdiocese -- why clerical stand-off-ishness ought not be overcome by tactile expressions of affection.

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