Resistance campaign petition

The Resistance Campaign has a petition against euthanasia and assisted suicide. As well as signing it yourself, please check whether your MP has signed it (or refused to do so) by using the MP database. If neither, do use the email form to urge them to sign the petition.

Here is the text of the petition:
We the undersigned fear that calls to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia are likely to intensify. Our concerns are heightened by the current economic climate and calls from politicians from all parties for cuts in public services.

We believe that people who are disabled or terminally ill (and their families) rely upon such services to live with dignity and that quality services make the difference between a fruitful life, led independently, and mere survival.

We support Not Dead Yet’s call to all MPs to sign up to the ‘Resistance’ Charter 2010 (full text here) declaring that they will support palliative care and independent living services and maintain legal protection for all people who are terminally ill or disabled.

Sign the petition here.

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