Mixed blessing from the ECHR

Fr Ed Tomlinson has a good summary of the recent cases heard in the European Court of Human Rights: Don't put out the bunting. Essentially one case went well - it was ruled that British Airways discriminated against employee Nadia Eweida for prohibiting her from wearing a cross at work, but the other three went badly. Elfin safety arguments were upheld against nurse Shirley Chaplain who was banned from wearing a cross at work (though the court did not actually know what the arguments were). The case against Gary McFarlane who objects to offering sex therapy to homosexuals was upheld as was the case against registrar, Lillian Ladele, who refused to perform same sex ceremonies having ensured others would cover in her absence.

Deacon Nick at Protect the Pope gives his summary: Christians allowed to wear discreet crosses, but not allowed to follow consciences – European Court of Human Rights

Christian Legal Centre is taking a glass half full approach and has some helpful comments: European Court announces judgement on Christian freedom cases.

There is also a good article at the French magazine, La Vie: Cour Européenne des Droits de l'homme : pas de discrimination antichrétienne

And Archbishop Mamberti, the Holy See's Secretary for Relations with States has commented on these and other cases: If relativism is taken as a norm. As he says:
There is a real risk that moral relativism, which imposes itself as a new social norm, will come to undermine the foundations of individual freedom of conscience and religion. The Church seeks to defend individual freedoms of conscience and religion in all circumstances, even in the face of the “dictatorship of relativism”.

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