
Showing posts from August, 2019

Why it is OK to say the Rosary during Mass

When I was in hospital a few years ago after having a heart attack, a kindly physiotherapist came to assess how fit I was for further treatment. She wanted to see whether I could walk along the corridor and up a couple of steps without gasping for breath or having palpitations. She rightly erred on the side of caution; once content that I would not react in such an extreme way, she gave me a little bottle of liquid with instructions to spray it under my tongue in the event that I were to have sudden severe chest pains. You need to have one of these on hand to give to a modern type of liturgist if you ask him whether it is all right to say the Rosary during Mass. Perish the thought! You should be answering the responses, singing the hymns, reading the readings and anything else that is nowadays considered to be the only possible way for you to do that most essential thing of participating . You might find a more discerning liturgist, perhaps a knowledgeable Benedictine, who will te

The faithful and their irrepressible instinct for commemorating saints

Ttony of The Muniment Room has a regular feature in which he reproduces the current list of celebrations, or  Ordo for the current week of the pre-1910 calendar; this was the the  liturgical calendar before the major reforms of Pope Pius XII in the document Cum nostra hac aetate of 1955. Over the weeks, it is fascinating to see how many extra prayers for saints, or "commemorations" there used to be. Here is the Ordo  for the week beginning Saturday 10 August , a relatively quiet week: Note for example, that on Tuesday the Mass of the day was the celebration of the day within the Octave of the feast of St Lawrence which had been celebrated on the 10th of August. Then for the collect, the secret and the postcommunion, there was a second prayer for the feast of Saints Hippolytus and Cassian, Martyrs. Then there was the prayer Concede , a prayer in honour of Our Lady so that there was a third prayer to make up the number of prayers which was usually an odd number. (&qu

Saint Philomena, a saint for our age

Today is the feast of Saint Philomena, Virgin, Martyr and worker of countless miracles, notably through the intercession of St John Vianney, whom Pope Benedict, during the "Year of the Priesthood" (June 2009-June 2010) proclaimed as the "Patron of all the priests of the world." As ever, we need to get out a metaphorical yard broom to clear the deck from a common reaction to St Philomena. For many people, the only fact they know about St Philomena is that “she didn’t exist.” When I first wrote about St Alphonsus, one commentator said that recommending him was "as loopy as promoting devotion to St Philomena" which I think tells you all you need to know. Therefore my post Saint Philomena - pray for us!  was not simply a recommendation to prayer, but a response to this received (and outdated) opinion that St Philomena did not exist. If you have recently read Taylor Marshall’s book “ Infiltration ”, you will not be surprised to see that I wrote: “It is

"Break the Chains" with some young clergy, the Daughters of St Paul and Blessed Giacomo Alberione

Today is “Day 10 praying to #BreakTheChains of pornography.” This is an idea thought up by Fr Cassidy Stinson, a recently ordained priest who put it like this: Hey. We need to talk about something. Pornography. I knew this before I became a priest, but now it’s become all the more clear to me that this is an absolute scourge for so, so many of us, spiritually and psychologically. And you know what? I’m tired of it. (Thread time.) — Fr. Cassidy Stinson (@TheHappyPriest) July 28, 2019 It is also worth looking through the thread  and indeed following Father Stinson’s Twitter feed @TheHappyPriest  He has followed up with an update thread after the first week of the movement. What to do During the first week, #BreakTheChains has gathered momentum with many young people agreeing to pray, offer sacrifice, and encourage one another. There is no pledge to commit to a specific set of prayers, although quite a number of people seem to be choosing so recite the rosary. This i

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