Mgr Pozzo's primer on the present liturgical situation

I have just had a chance to watch Mgr Pozzo's interview broadcast on Gloria TV (Thanks again to Rorate Caeli.) The interview begins with questions about the discussions between the Holy See and the SSPX but then broadens into an exchange where Mgr Pozzo sets out succinctly (and in beautiful Italian) many of the important questions concerning the present state of the liturgy, the value of the usus antiquior and the problems that we face in the celebration of the Missal of Paul VI. Gloria TV has posted a full transcript of the interview translated into English.

Mgr Pozzo focuses heavily on the problems in the manner of celebration of the Novus Ordo, often celebrated in a way that seriously contradicts the provisions of Vatican II and the mind of the legislator. Some of us would also want to explore, for example, the problems with the altering of ancient collects and the doctrinal implications of those alterations; but Mgr Pozzo's interview would be a very useful primer for somebody puzzled by the present disputes.

He summarises well and diplomatically why it is worthwhile to promote "the Latin Mass" (a designation he does not correct - but this is, after all an interview):
Because the ancient rite of the Mass makes explicit and highlights certain values and certain fundamental aspects of the liturgy that deserve to be maintained, and I am not speaking only about the Latin or Gregorian chant, I am speaking about the sense of mystery, of the sacred, the sense of the Mass as a sacrifice, the real and substantial presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the fact that there are great moments of interior recollection, interior participation in the divine liturgy. All these are fundamental elements which are particularly highlighted in the ancient rite of the Mass. I am not saying that these elements do not exist in the Mass of Paul VI's reform, but I am saying that they are highlighted much more and this can enrich even those who celebrate or participate in the ordinary form of the Mass.
(The expression in the first sentence is "la Messa nel rito antico" - "Mass in the old rite" would be simplest literal English translation. This expression, used by the Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, has also been used by Pope Benedict. It is not a naughty expression.)

A deeper question was posed to me today. At the end of a Day of Recollection for some intelligent (and impressively well-mannered) sixth formers, we had a "Grill the Priest" session where they could ask questions either viva voce or by submitting them on paper. There were many thoughtful questions on various subjects. The one relevant here was "Why was it thought necessary to rewrite the Mass?" It seems that the balance of enquiry might be shifting in some young minds from "What is the value of the old rite?" to asking why it was felt necessary to have a new rite in the first place.

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis

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