Where to buy "It is the Lord"

The other day, my students asked where they could obtain the book by Bishop Athanasius Schneider "It is the Lord." Mistakenly I said that it was available from the Libreria Editrice Vaticana via PaxBooks (that's the version in Italian which I bought first of all.) In fact the English translation is sold in England by Gracewing for £5.99.

Since I won't be lecturing again until after Christmas, I thought that I would put the information here. If you have not read this book, I do heartily recommend it.

I mentioned the It is the Lord after referring to Origen, St Ephraem and St Cyril of Jerusalem who all emphasised strongly the reverence that is due to the holy Eucharist, and particularly the presence of Christ in each fragment. Here, for example, is a passage from St Ephraem, a fourth century Syriac Father:
I have given this to you now lest you should think it to be bread, take, eat this bread and do not crumble the particles of it; what I have called my body, this it truly is. One particle from its crumbs has power to sanctify a thousand thousands and is enough to give life to all who eat it. (Sermones in hebdomadam sanctam 4.4)

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