British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy news

Yesterday I was in the hot seat for the meeting of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (British Province of St Gregory the Great) to give a lecture on "The Priest: Presbyter and Sacerdos: a Question of Identity." Fellow clergy are always a daunting audience especially when some are scholars in their own right with several books to their name, but I think that the talk was appreciated, and the quality of questions and useful comments afterwards made for a profitable day. Having failed in a pious intention, the lecture is not quite ready for publication but I hope to address this in due course. We met this time at St Mary Moorfields and after the lecture enjoyed a wholesome lunch and good conversation - an important part of the day. In the Church, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed during the day, so there was an opportunity after lunch for priests to catch up on the office, say the rosary or spend some time in quiet prayer. I do encourage you to take out membership if you...