Epiphany sacramentals

Fr Zuhlsdorf has helpfully posted on various sacramentals related to the feast of the Epiphany (see: BEGONE SATAN! Epiphany Blessings, The Devil, and You.) Today at Blackfen we had the blessing of Epiphany water with the Litany, psalms, exorcism, Benedictus and Te Deum all sung. I didn't check the time carefully but I think it took about 40 minutes.

The exorcism is quite dramatic: it is a consolation to be able to use it as a parish priest on this occasion. Remember that Satan does not normally manifest his disgusting work by making books fly off the shelves or causing projectile vomiting. One of his most effective customary tactics is to cause jealousy, bitterness, discord and hatred among good people. It is a sickeningly effective way for him to hinder, spoil and destroy good work in a parish.

Tomorrow we will have Missa Cantata at 8pm for the feast of the Epiphany and that will be followed by the blessing of chalk. This can then be taken home by people to mark their door with the legend:

20 C+M+B 14

This indicates the year and the initials of the three Magi. There is also a tradition that sees CMB as standing for Christus Mansionem Benedicat (may Christ bless the house.) It is a good sacramental to get people talking when they come to your door - as such we can see it as part of the New Evangelisation.

In the parish we don't yet have the blessing of gold, frankincense and myrrh or the blessing of bread, salt and eggs. Perhaps we should do those next year after the blessing of chalk.

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