Heroes in the midst of knavish imbecility

Well that wasn't a very edifying spectacle was it, the Synod? An outrageously dishonest attempt at procedural manipulation at the highest level, publicly shoved into the turf nose-first by decent men who just couldn't stomach any more of it. Thanks be to God for Cardinal Pell and Cardinal Burke: at least we have heroes to sing of after the debacle. Which reminds me to revive the "Backbone Award" that used to feature on blogs.

I suppose in advance of the follow-up Synod, we now have to face another year of false hopes and unnecessary confusion over Christ's teaching on marriage and the family while the wrong targets are routinely chosen for praise and blame, promotion and demotion.

Sorry - I have been very busy with pastoral work, haven't much time to post, wanted to say something, and find it hard to be patient with what has gone on. I was glad to be able to quote Belloc recently to a concerned young man who had not heard his famous words:
“The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine, but for unbelievers, here is proof of its divinity, that no merely human institution run with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight,”
For more reasoned comment than mine, you might like to read some other post-Synod articles. Sandro Magister has an excellent, though hardly reassuring summary report: The True Story of This Synod. Director, Performers, Assistants; Fr Ray Blake has a thought-provoking piece Was that why he was elected?; and Fr Z offers some helpful observations, concluding with an amazing twist after looking up the Lectionary for the date of the next Synod. See: Extraordinary Synod on Family is, thanks be to God, over.

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