Lego Mass sets

Father Z today has an article about Lego Mass set bricks from Domestic Church Supply. Here is the picture of the Church with the priest celebrating Mass:

I could not help thinking back to A lego Church that is better than quite a lot of real ones about which I posted last year. As you can see, it has some more traditional elements (see the post for other photos):


There is a transatlantic difference here as well - in England we play with Lego, not Legos. Can you really have lots of Legos? Or a single Lego? Discuss venomously on Twitter, imputing nefarious motives to either myself or Fr Z, and dragging in various tangentially related issues.

Top marks to Thuan, who features at the end of Fr Z's post. At the age of 4 has mastered the concept of "Say the Black, Do the Red." after watching daily Mass on EWTN.

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