Transcripts for recent videos – “Have it your way!”

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After recently posting two new video talks on YouTube, it occurred to me that often I skip content that comes through various sources: Twitter, Inoreader (which I use to follow people’s blogs), Google news and others. To watch a video takes longer than reading the content.

Interestingly, some podcasts are put out via YouTube as well as the standard podcast apps and people then just listen to the content without being tied to watching the picture. The advantage of having content just to listen to, is that you can be doing something else. In my case, I find that it is useful to listen to podcasts when I am cooking and eating. Essentially it is good to get content to people in whatever way they prefer to access it. Some prefer watching, others prefer listening while they are doing something else.

Many of you may be like me and prefer to read something, thus getting through it much more quickly than hearing it spoken out loud. It makes sense therefore to make my own video content available in this way. So I have put the written version of my two recent videos on the relevant posts on this blog which are now updated:

Lessons from the English Martyrs

Fatima, the Rosary and St Joseph

I will try to do this for any future videos. To use a fast food saying: “Have it your way!”

I am hoping to do another short video talk next week on the Ascension. This is a feast that is puzzling to some. It is obviously of great importance but its meaning is perhaps not so obvious. I hope to shed some light on it which may help you in celebrating the feast.

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