Bishop Campbell of Lancaster on marriage redefinition proposal

Just in today, Bishop Michael Campbell of Lancaster's statement on the government's proposal to redefine marriage. Here is the text:

Despite the widespread opposition evident in the recent consultation, the Coalition government appears determined to introduce legislation which will redefine the traditional understanding of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. This government proposal, if passed into law will, I believe, prove seriously detrimental to one of the pillars of our society which is family life, and carries extremely worrying long-term consequences for the family as we know it.

This proposed alternative vision of married life stands in marked contrast to the Catholic and Christian understanding of marriage as something inherent in the divine purpose for the well-being of humanity. We believe that Almighty God created man and woman with their specific differences to complement each other, and their mutual expression of life-giving love within marriage enables the children who are the fruit of that love to grow and flourish. To tamper with and attempt to redefine through law the integrity of this ancient and honourable institution of marriage will not serve the best interests of our present society, nor of those who will come after us.

I make my own the words of Archbishops Nichols and Smith in their statement: “We urge everyone who cares about upholding the meaning of marriage in civil law to make their views known to their MPs clearly, calmly and forcefully, and without impugning the motives of others. We urge all parties to ensure their Members have a free vote. It is not too late to stop this Bill.”

+Michael G Campbell OSA
Bishop of Lancaster

Bishop Campbell has a blog which has delightful photos of his Lordship exercising his daily pastoral care of the diocese administering the Sacrament of Confirmation, and visiting schools and parishes, as well as articles on the Synod of Bishops, visits to Rome and other events of note. Many thanks to him for his forthright defence of marriage and the family.

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