Fr John Edwards dormivit in Domino

Dear Father John Edwards SJ died yesterday evening shortly after assisting at Mass on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. May he hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant" from Our Lord whom he served so faithfully. He was a highly effective mission preacher and retreat giver, wrote straightforward booklets on a variety of subjects including "Ways of Praying" that has helped countless people embark on a serious path of prayer whilst living in the world.

He was also a "priest's priest"; as a guest he would express himself diffidently though it was clear that he thoroughly understand the demands of parish life and the task faced by the parish priest. He will be remembered with great fondness by priests and people alike.

He also preached effectively on purgatory and the importance of praying for dead. So let us return that kindness by praying for him. Even if he does not need our prayers himself, there will be many souls grateful to him as the merit of those prayers benefits them.

The Funeral Mass for Fr Edwards will be at Farm Street Church on Thursday 20 December at 11am.
Requiescat in pace.

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