Martin Dodwell to speak on Anne Line and Shakespeare

My good friend Fr Francis Coveney, parish priest of St Anne Line in South Woodford, tells me of an interesting event which some readers might like to know about. Here are the details.
Anne Line: Shakespeare's Tragic Muse
Sunday 2 February 2014, 3.30pm
A new biography has just been written by Martin Dodwell entitled “Anne Line: Shakespeare's Tragic Muse”. It will be of interest to admirers of St Anne Line, historians and Shakespeare scholars alike.

Martin Dodwell will be giving a talk on his new book in the Parish Hall (behind the Church) on Sunday 2 February at 3.30pm. Copies of the book will be available for sale. Benediction will follow in the Church at 4.30pm. 
St Anne Line Parish, Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London, E18 2JR
The Church is a short walk from South Woodford Station (Central Line).
The photos is from Mulier Fortis who wrote about a pilgrimage she made to South Woodford in honour of St Anne Line.

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