Novena in honour of Bl Pius IX for seminarian

The Overbrook Seminary of Philadelphia began yesterday a novena in honor of Blessed Pius IX that God might be glorified through the illness of a second year seminarian, Philip Gerard Johnson. Philip has helped at Lourdes for many years as a day pilgrim guide as one of those guiding the torchlight Rosary Procession throughout these Summers. He blogs at In Caritate non Ficta.

The photo above is one I took of the statue of Blessed Pius IX in the Salesian Church of the Sacred Heart in Rome.

Do join the Novena if you can. Here are the prayers:
Novena In Honor of Blessed Pius IX

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, hear our prayers and glorify your servant Pius IX, who consecrated the Universal Church to you.
(Our Father...)

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, hear our prayer and glorify your servant Pius IX who declared you Immaculate.
(Hail Mary...)

Saint Joseph, spouse of the most pure Virgin Mary, hear our prayer and glorify your servant Pius IX who declared you the Patron of the Universal Church.
(Glory be...)

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Mary, our Hope, and Saint Joseph hear our prayers and glorify your servant Pius IX , granting to us through his merits and intercessions the graces which we ardently desire: that the glory of God be revealed through Philip's illness.
(Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be...)

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