Chant Workshop

The Schola Gregoriana Sancti Nicolai have sent details of their forthcoming Chant Workshop and I am happy to pass these on:

Chant Workshop
10.00 – 16.30

Farnborough Abbey – (near station)
with the support of Fr Abbott


1000 Registration
1030 Workshop Part I
Office of Sext - chanted by the monks
Break for Lunch
Workshop Part II
Office of None - chanted by the monks
Break for coffee
Workshop Part III
1630 Workshop completes
1645 Office of Vespers - chanted by the monks

Syllabus – chant introduction & practice to include:

a. Ordinary - Mass IV Cunctipotens Genitor Deus
b. Propers for feast of St Nicholas

Music materials will be provided

Tea will be provided & sandwiches for lunch - at a small charge

Fees - £15 (including tea but excluding lunch)

All Welcome – Including Beginners


Arranged by Schola Gregoriana Sancti Nicolai

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