"Live chastely" pledge

In 2006, the Catholic Youth Service issued a press release on the website of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, to announce that National Youth Sunday would launch the "LiveSimply" challenge to mark the 40th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter Populorum Progressio.

This year's National Youth Sunday is the third one in a row with materials supporting the LiveSimply challenge. James Preece at Catholic and Loving it! suggests: "I think it's fair to say we've covered the LiveSimply theme." He continues:
The fortieth year anniversary of Populorum Progressio has passed. I believe time has come to mark the fortieth anniversary of Humanae Vitae with a new promise to LiveChastely.
And why not indeed? Even if you agree with the political agenda of "Sustainable Development" it is a bit of an "easy sell" for youth workers. Young people are bombarded from many sources with encouragement to recycle, save the planet and wear funny hats for chariddy. It would be something of an understatement to say that the message of chastity is not supported in the same way. It is routinely undermined by talk of "safer sex" and confidential advice from the school nurse on where to get the morning after pill.

At his post: LiveChastely, James reports that currently the most popular pledge on the "LiveSimply" promise site is to sign a seedpacket and send it to your MP. That promise currently has 22 people signed up. James is aiming to get 1000 people to sign up to the LiveChastely pledge. In order to reach this target by the 41st anniversary of Humanae Vitae (25 July 2009) he needs some publicity.

So please, go sign up; and put the link to his pledge on your blog. (From anywhere in the world: you don't have to live in the UK.)

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