7 things we'd like

I don't normally do these things but I thought I could dash this one off quickly. Patricius at Singulare Ingenium asks "What are the seven things that we as Catholics want or would like to see happen?"

Off the top of my head, in no particular order (allowing five minutes max):

1. Archbishop Chaput to be President of the Congregation for Bishops

2. Permission to use the pre-1962 rites (and pre-1911 breviary) included in the Ecclesia Dei clarification (with the new Prayer for the Jews on Good Friday to avoid needless controversy)

3. LifeSite News and SPUC to take over the Pontifical Academy for Life

4. A large legacy to build a baroque Church in Blackfen which would then be made a minor basilica

5. UN to issue a declaration that abortion and euthanasia are in fact crimes against humanity

6. Full canonical regularisation of the SSPX - would add spice to the Council of Priests Meetings

7. An index of forbidden hymns compiled by Damian Thompson and having legislative force throughout the universal Church

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