Continuity Walks and Talks

Continuity have sent me this notice which I am happy to pass on to you. It should be an interesting and enjoyable evening:

Continuity Walks and Talks
Thursday September 24th, 6.30pm. Led by Joanna Bogle. Meet on the steps of Westminster Cathedral. A Catholic History Walk. Come and discover the Catholic links that surround the heart of Westminster! An evening of history, in good company, in a spirit of cheerful faith and inspiration!

We'll be following a route that takes in the Abbey and its surrounding lands... you'll learn about the Saxons who lived there, and our last Saxon king before the Norman Conquest... and about the 17th century royals who escaped across the Thames one dark night... why Horseferry Road is so named... the nuns, a Duke's sister among them, who cared for orphans in a desperately poor slum district... the prison which stood where a Cathedral would later arise... and a Papal visit and more...

Wear comfortable shoes for walking, and bring some money as we plan to finish in a pub. The walk will last approx one and a half hours.

No need to book! Just turn up! Nearest tube: Victoria or St James Park.

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