Merging Twitter and Facebook

My friends on Facebook probably realise that I haven't been there much recently - apart from a flurry of activity during the past week or so. I have made a resolution to use it a little more but if you want to send me a message, please don't rely on my picking up things from FB.

Twitter has proved very useful. There are lots of leads to good stories there and it is fascinating to see the Catholic Herald taking shape as the week goes by! If you are thinking of getting onto Twitter you need to know that a third party application is pretty well essential. I installed TweetDeck after seeing that uber-tweeters like Luke Coppen use it. (I have just noticed that he also uses TwitterFon - must find out what that is.)

Today I discovered that you can use TweetDeck to post your tweets as updates to your Facebook status, thus killing two social networking chickens with the same stone - or something. Anyway it makes for less time on social networking sites and more time for being social. So that's me off out to see a friend ...

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