Does this sand dune tell us something about the liturgical reform?

Environmental Graffiti has some stunning pictures of the 10 tallest sand dunes on earth which I found courtesy of Jennifer's Favourite Links which is well worth having on your blogroll.

The pictures and narrative are all fascinating but I was particularly struck by the Cerro Medanoso (above) which is the second tallest dune in the world at 1,805 feet. The desert in which it lies is also the driest place on the planet. Apparently NASA has tested instruments here for future missions to Mars.

What caught my interest was the statement that some areas are thought to have had no rain to speak of between 1570 and 1971. Make of that what you will. Advocates of the modern liturgy might say that it was dry as dust from Quo Primum to the introduction of the Novus Ordo when the Spirit came down "like the dewfall". I prefer to think that perhaps there was a disturbance to the natural order and the rainfall indicated a certain discontinuity. Feel free to offer other suggestions in the combox :-)

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