Catholic Dilemmas

Each week I write an article of roughly 350 words for the Catholic Herald which has the title Catholic Dilemmas. This is a good writing discipline since at that length you can't afford to waste words, and it is a challenge to answer some of the questions in the limit. I don't have the option to waffle on longer.

In correspondence with the Editor, Luke Coppen, I discovered that I had been too coy about posting the articles here. Since I am paid a fee for them, I felt that it was not my business just to publish them at will. However publishing is changing fast and the editor is happy for me to post my articles - and indeed to have a link to the Herald to boot. So you'll be getting my CDs, as we call them, regularly from now on - after the print edition of the paper is out.

You might also be able to help by submitting dilemmas. Remember that I have to answer them in 350 words. I do make a point of limiting liturgical articles - I do some, but want to keep a balance between those questions, moral, spiritual, and doctrinal questions and occasional light-hearted and off-the-wall items. Feel free to pose dilemmas in the combox but please don't expect me to reply there. You may help me to get the article written a little earlier than just before the deadline but I can't operate a general internet agony uncle service. (Funerals, Baptisms, visiting to do, Masses to say, you know the sort of thing.)

I just filed CD number 249 today so I'll post up some of the back catalogue in due course. In another post, I'll ask about how to get the whole lot online in the most efficient way possible. (They are all in Word files.)

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