Nazi hatred of Pope Pius XII's friendship for Jews

Christopher Gillibrand at Catholic Church Conservation comments on the campaign by Titanic magazine in Germany against Pope Benedict XVI. The Holy See obtained an injunction against the magazine in July but it continues to publish insulting pictures of the Holy Father.

Cathcon points out that the magazine should remember the history of Nazis denigrating the Church and the Pope, illustrating the point by the above cartoon. The texts in the cartoon translate as follows:
The French trip of the Cardinals.
Poisoned Cooking of the People's Front
Anathema lies
Humanite - the Communist newspaper - Christian persecution in Germany
She is really not beautiful - but she can cook.
The cartoon also offers one more demonstration to disprove the calumnies against Pope Pius XII which smear him as a friend of the Nazis and an enemy of the Jews. Evidently the Nazis didn't think so at the time.

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