St Kevin's in Dublin - a flourishing Summorum Pontificum apostolate

Two of my altar servers went on a family visit to Dublin over half term. For Sunday Mass, they went to St Kevin's Churchin Rathmines, Dublin 8, which is the home of the Dublin Latin Mass Chaplaincy. They were given a warm welcome by Fr Gerard Deighan and John the sacristan and were able to join the regular servers for the 10.30am Mass. The Church was packed with several hundred people both from Dublin itself and from as far afield as Wicklow.

Since the traditional Mass is the same everywhere with only minor differences (depending on the layout of the sanctuary and sometimes incidental local customs) servers are able to join in easily anywhere around the world that the older form is celebrated. I'm very grateful that the boys were made so welcome - many thanks to Fr Deighan and his team.

The Dublin Latin Mass Chaplaincy was established by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on 15 September 2007, in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum (the day after the Motu Proprio came into effect) to provide pastoral care for the faithful of the Archdiocese attached to the usus antiquior. It is great to hear that the apostolate is flourishing and I pray that it is a part of a new hope in the Church in Ireland after a bruising few years for those Catholics who have lived their faith with integrity. As you can see from the photo, there are works going on in the Church itself to restore it to its former beauty.

Here is a photo from the first Mass of Fr Kevin Young FSSP at St Kevin's last June:

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