Confraternity Mass with Bishop Byrne


As promised, here are some photos from yesterday's Mass with Bishop Byrne at St Edmund's, Ware, for the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.




Ordinarily, the principal Mass at the Colloquium is mainly in English, but this year, the Bishop particularly asked to celebrate the Mass in Latin. Most of the priests concelebrate, but attending in choro is perfectly acceptable and a number of priests choose to do this. Facilities are available for private Masses (in either form of the Roman rite) before breakfast.

Here are the Fortescue vestments that I wore for Mass yesterday morning:


The East window (click on it to get to the Flickr page, then enlarge it to more of the details):


The rood:


The vestment press first thing in the morning, when the College's collection of old Missals was in demand:


And an item from the College museum: the original copy of Adeste fideles:


For all the photographs, if you click on them, you are taken to the relevant flickr page where you can get the code to embed them, share them on Twitter/Facebook etc. or download them. 

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This means that you can reproduce them free of charge, without asking permission, but you should give credit for them (A link to this blog or to the Flickr page is fine.) If you edit them, you must say so, and may only re-distribute your edited version using the same licence.

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