Introduction to NFP

A parishioner alerted me to an item in CF News: Robert Colquhoun, who writes the Love Undefiled blog is presenting an Introduction to Natural Family Planning at the parish Hall at Farm Street Jesuit Church on Wednesday 28 October; 6.45pm for 7.00pm start. (The event is free.) Here's the summary:
o The talk gives a detailed explanation of the basics of NFP. Learn about a method that is safe, inexpensive and reliable. "This talk changed my life, my faith and my relationship with God."

o The theological and biological difference between contraception and NFP will be explained.

o The divorce rate of couples who use NFP is around 2%, compared to 40% among contraceptive users.

o Further information is given on the damage that some forms of contraception do to the body. Few realise that the oral contraceptive pill causes abortions.
If you are married - or engaged to be married, I do recommend finding out more about NFP. Many Catholic couples have routinely engaged in contraception and simply never heard the richness of the Catholic Church's approach to marriage and fertility. I personally know couple whose lives have been enhanced by finding out about this teaching.

Farm Street Church is in central London: 114 Mount St W1K 3AH - about 5 minutes' walk from either Green Park or Bond Street tube stations. If you are going to the talk, it's worth bearing in mind that there is a 6pm weekday Mass in the Church - which is very well worth a visit.

To reserve a place: (first come, first served): email Robert Colquhoun

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