Chislehurst Requiem

On Saturday, Fr Briggs celebrated the annual Requiem Mass for those buried in the graveyard at St Mary's Chislehurst. I was very happy to assist as Deacon for the Mass; the Revd John Harrison, the parish Deacon, acted as subdeacon.

Mulier Fortis was there with her camera and took a fine set of pictures which are put together here in a slideshow:

I am getting more and more familiar with High Mass. Since we have a Missa Cantata every Sunday at Blackfen, I have no trouble singing either the epistle or the gospel and I find that the ceremonies are easier each time. There are one or two difference for the Requiem Mass.

On the way round the graveyard, Fr Briggs blessed the grave of the late Michael Davies. It was a pity that we did not have a special photo - perhaps next year.

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