Those elusive Catholic Homeschooling programmes

As I reported yesterday, the Catholic Education Service for England and Wales has broadly supported the Government's proposals for registration and monitoring of home educators.

In its response to the Government's consultation, the CES said that it was not aware of any model or programme for Catholic Homeschooling. Commenters have been industrious in offering the CES some helpful information in this regard. Looking at these sites, I am most impressed by the quality of material offered and the courageous approach to curriculum development. Commonly the programme websites list the various universities to which graduates of their programmes have transferred.

First of all a couple for which I have found official recognition from the local Bishop:

Seton Home Study School
officially recognised by Bishop John Keating of Arlington as entitled to call itself "Catholic" under canon 803.1

Angelicum Academy
A "Great Books" programme officially recognised by Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs as entitled to call itself "Catholic" under canon 803.1

And a number of others that, I think, could properly be described as "Catholic":

Mother of Divine Grace
Based on the trivium and quadrivium (classical curriculum) and the natural development of children's thinking: allows for flexibility and helps parents to devise their own curricula. (This one, based in California, is used by some homeschooling families that I know in England.)

Our Lady of Victory
A traditional home schooling programme of long standing.

Kolbe Academy
"Ignatian in Method. Classical in Content. Loyal to the Magisterium"

Our Lady of the Rosary
"This Catholic education helps prepare children for further academic growth and development in the safe, wholesome environment of their own home."

Classical Liberal Arts Academy
Offers a core curriculum in the seven liberal arts.

St Thomas Aquinas Academy
A classical liberal arts curriculum via an independent study program crafted for the home schooling family.

Regina Coeli Online Academy
"Traditional Liberal Arts for Catholic Home Educators" - an all online course

Useful links and resources for Catholic Homeschooling can be found here, and at Theotokos. Apparently the most popular international site is "Keeping it Catholic" while for the UK, there is the google group Catholic Homeschool UK.

I have looked at a couple of general (non-religious) homeschooling sites related to the UK but would appreciate any recommendations from home educators on which sites might be most helpful in supporting parents in general matters such as relations with the Local Authority and parents' rights under British law.

And finally, here is a balanced interview with Fr Fessio of Ignatius Press on the subject of Catholic Homeschooling...

... and a cartoon that I found:

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