Faith Magazine latest issue online

The January-February issue of Faith Magazine is now online with lots of goodies for you. The editorial is a post-mortem on the Intelligence Squared debate in which the motion "The Catholic Church is a force for good" was roundly defeated. See: The London Debate: Why We Lost and What We Must Learn William Oddie, the author of "The Roman Option", a critique of the lukewarm response in some quarters, to the converts who were looking for a home after the 1992 decision of the Church of England to ordain women priests, writes the column Comment on the Comments. Not surprisingly, he feels strongly about the opposition to Anglicanorum Coetibus. Other topics studied in this issue are the divinity and humanity of Christ, environmentalism and the personhood of the human embryo.

You might also want to take a look at the editorial essay in the previous issue: Time to Proclaim the Primacy of Jesus Christ in Creation

As ever, all the content of Faith Magazine is available free online. The printed version is very attractive and you can subscribe via the website. There is a special offer for new subscribers from the USA.

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