Symposium underway

The Faith Theological Symposium at Ampleforth got underway last evening with a talk from Fr Stephen Dingley on the incarnation and the Church, followed after supper by Fr Chris Findlay-Wilson's talk on Teresa Higginson and devotion to the Sacred Head of Jesus. Teresa was an English mystic whose cause was introduced at Rome. It came to a halt because of a "non expedit" from the Holy Office, related to the devotion to the Sacred Head. Given the fact that the Divine Mercy devotion has been rehabilitated, it would be possible to get the cause going again if there is enough interest. To find out more about her, see the Teresa Higginson website.

Devotion to the Sacred Head is a complement to the Sacred Heart devotion. Just as jansenism was countered by devotion to the human and divine love of Christ, so the intellectual assault of modernism is countered by devotion to the human and divine wisdom of Christ.

Not much time to blog, obviously, though the IT Dept at Ampleforth this afternoon gave me a guest account to access the internet via their network via wifi which is most helpful. Here are a few photos...

Fr Stephen Brown

Fr David Standen

Canon Luiz Ruscillo

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