Background to worries about the new ICEL text

There have been some worrying reports about changes being made at the CDW to the final text of the new (corrected) English translation of the Roman Missal. Although the Ordinary presented by ICEL and approved by the Bishops' Conferences is nearly all unaltered, there have apparently been a large number of changes been made to the propers. On Wikispooks there is a leaked document examining Areas of Difficulty in the Received Text of the Missal. There is also a collection of pdfs giving the entire "Received Text which is the bone of contention.

Jeffrey Tucker has a comprehensive account of the process, the worries - and indeed suggestions for a remedy. See: The Mystery of the Leaked Missal. He also links to a further article of interest: A funny thing happened on the way to the 2010 Received Text.

(Incidentally, I just sent off today my weekly "Catholic Dilemmas" column in which I discuss (very briefly) the question of wikileaks and the right to the truth as set out in the Catechism 2488-2492. In the case of the above leak on wikispooks, I am of the view that there is a grave and proportionate reason for publishing the information and that it is a case of genuine public benefit.)

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