Usus antiquior: "Do not be afraid!"

Photo credit: Mulier Fortis

Rorate Caeli reports on a conference held in France on the "Extraordinary Form" with the theme "N'ayez pas peur" (Do not be afraid). There are some sensible suggestions from Daniel Hamiche and some reports of experiences in France.

Mgr Nicola Bux was one of the speakers. He remarked that the French Bishops, who are keen on dialogue with non-christians, ought also to dialogue with members of their own flock, and that the celebration of the older form of the Roman Mass should serve to educate people in the celebration of the newer form. He also pointed out that the refusal to allow the Extraordinary Form was a rupture of communion with the Pope. This is a fair comment since the Holy Father has, Motu Proprio, clarified that the older form of the Mass is not abrogated or forbidden.

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