5-13 weeks pregnant? Could you go and help the GCN to train scanners?

Although ultrasound scans are sometimes used to persuade women to abort babies who are deemed to be unworthy of life, they encourage many women to change their minds about abortion when they see a scan of their baby, so the introduction of an ultrasound scanner at the GCN is a very positive help in their work to persuade women to allow their babies to live.
If you have the opportunity to get up to London over the next few days, you could help the GCN to save babies. Phone 020 7723 1740 to book in. (See Maria Stops Abortion for more details.)
Also this from the Good Counsel Network:
The wish list has worked out brilliantly, resulting in 5 buggies, 2 cots, various other goods big and small, and especially a double moses basket and double buggy needed for a mother expecting twins - she was chuffed! The only problem has been we have not discovered any way of finding out who has sent the gifts so we have been unable to thank people. So please do pass on to your readers our heartfelt thanks to any who donated.I mentioned the wish list in September so congratulations to all of you who helped not only to support the pro-life campaign but also to help out practically in the work of supporting mothers in difficulty.