Huffpost poll on new translation

The internet newspaper, Huffington Post has an article as the New Mass Translation Launches In American Parishes. We've been using at least the Ordinary of the Mass in England since September so the fuss has died down. In the US, there are only a few weeks left to stir things up until the time when most ordinary people are used to the new translation and will see that there is nothing really to make a fuss about.

There is a poll at the foot of the article. Rather confusingly, it asks
Which Catholic Mass (Roman Missal) language do you prefer?
  • The new Mass 
  • The former Mass 
  • Both are equally meaningful to me 
Be aware that it in referring to "The new Mass" and the "The former Mass", it is not asking whether you like the ordinary or extraordinary form. If you think that the new (corrected) translation is preferable to the old (lame duck) translation, you need to click on "The new Mass."

H/T Fr Z

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