Congratulations Fr Richard Duncan

A most glorious ceremony this evening for the ordination of Fr Richard Duncan of the Birmingham Oratory. Mozart's Missa Solemnis in C was accompanied by Vivaldi's Juravit Dominus at the Offertory and a splendid rendition of Handel's "Let the bright Seraphim" at Communion. There was even some Anglican Patrimony with Parry's Psalm 84 "O how amiable are thy dwellings" at the Kiss of Peace.

Arcbishop Bernard Longley was celebrant, assisted by Bishop Richard Moth in choro. Several Fathers of the English Oratories concelebrated and there were many priests and seminarians in choir, inluding a good representation from the Archdiocese of Southwark.

It was a lovely occasion to catch up with old friends: priests, bloggers, blog readers and good apostolic laity. Fr Duncan was in the first cohort to whom I taught Sacramental Theology at Wonersh in 2004. It was great to see him ordained to the sacred priesthood to minister those sacraments. Please remember him in your prayers.

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