God bless Pope Benedict
That's more or less all I have to say at the moment. Except to add: let us pray earnestly to the Holy Spirit for the Church generally, and in particular that a good Pope will be chosen to succeed Pope Benedict.
Unusually today was a day off for me (half-term at Wonersh) so I went to Calais with a priest friend to do a little shopping and have lunch (Sole Meunière if you are interested - and it was delicious.) During the drive back on the M20 from Folkestone we switched on the news at 4pm which was when we heard the announcement. When I got back, I said an evening Mass at which I was thankfully free to make my own intention - pro felici statu sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae. In the class for non-Catholics afterwards, I had to slip a little behind on the sacraments to talk about the Petrine office, the process of electing a successor, and to dispel some of the msm myths already gaining traction.
It is all still sinking in. Prayer. Lots of prayer.