A right royal insult

Finland’s social security provider Kela has sent the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a maternity box, similar to those sent to all new parents in Finland. The list of contents includes some nice things like children's clothes, nappies, towels, and a bath thermometer. It also includes a pack of five condoms.

A spokesman for the Duke and Duchess said “We were delighted to receive the very kind gift of the maternity package from the Finnish government.”

Perhaps once his valet has perused the contents, Prince William might be minded to instruct an aide to say something along the lines of:
"While His Royal Highness appreciates the goodwill of Finland's social security provider in sending a box of items for his forthcoming baby, he would esteem it a courtesy if Finnish officials were to refrain from insulting him and his wife in presuming to offer comment on their intimate relations by supplying them with a pack of rubber johnnies."
If Prince William were to stand up against this sort of thing, it might encourage ordinary young parents to tell state-sponsored busybodies where to get off.

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