School Benediction

2013-07-04 20.28.01

It is quite hot here in England at the moment and the schools are nearing the end of term. This year we decided that the end of year service for the junior school children would be Benediction. This afternoon, 300 children (Years 2-6) came for exposition, a decade of the Rosary, Litany of Loreto, prayers for the Pope, the school and the Prayer for England, followed by Benediction.

It was not too long but provided us with an opportunity to adore the Lord together. One of my young adult MCs looked after some young boys who have just started serving the Latin Mass. They did a commendable job. (Photo shows one of the new boys at our regular Benediction handling the thurible for the first time.)

Benediction is helpful in teaching children the doctrine of the real presence. It really doesn't make any sense apart from belief in the presence of Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity.

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