New edition of Newman's "Tracts for the Times"

The Catholic publishers Gracewing are continuing their important contribution to Catholic scholarship in publishing the Millennium Edition of the works of Blessed John Henry Newman. The latest volume is "Tracts for the Times" which includes those tracts written by Newman with the exception of a few that have already been published in the series.

During the period of the Tracts for the Times, Newman was still an Anglican and argued against Romanism which he then regarded as heretical, but the process of trying to defend an orthodox doctrinal position within the Church of England was instrumental in his conversion to Rome.

The papers in this volume include the fascinating "Thoughts on Alterations in the Liturgy", "Mortification of the Flesh, a Scriptural Duty" and Newman's defence of the Via Media which he later repudiated.

The volume is edited and annotated by my good friend Fr James Tolhurst whose doctorate was on Newman's understanding of the Church.

552 pages £25 from Gracewing

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