St Charlemagne and the play of antichrist

This looks interesting. Here is the information:

Friday 22nd November to Sunday 24th.

St. Charlemagne and the Play of Antichrist

Sing, study and learn about music from the early Middle Ages in honour of the first Holy Roman Emperor and his successors, and chants for the Feast of Christ the King.

The programme will include excerpts from the early 13th c. Office of 'St. Charlemagne' together with hymnody from the Carolingian renaissance and some of the earliest polyphony, and a speculative edited reconstruction of the semi-liturgical drama 'Ludus de Antichristo' from 12th c. Germany, in which the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I 'Barbarossa' is first seduced by Antichrist and then won back to the true faith.

This programme will be the basis of a concert to be performed by the Schola with the Bristol University Schola Cantorum on Saturday 30th November, 7.30 pm, at the Temple Church, Fleet Street, London EC4Y 7HL

The inclusive cost of board, accommodation, music and tuition is £200.
For full details, and non-residential participation, please address enquries to, or St. Benedict's, 124 Cambridge Road, Barton, Cambridge, CB23 7AR Tel: 01223 263063

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