Bl John XXIII's optimism and Ban Ki-Moon's manichaeism

The video shows Archbishop Loris Capovilla speaking affectionately about Blessed Pope John XXIII and his decision to call the second Vatican Council. (Lovely Italian with subtitles.) Discuss.

The Archbishop tells of how the Holy Father was encouraged, in the aftermath of the second world war, by the establishment of three international organisations: the UN, FAO and UNESCO. With respect, and with the luxury of hindsight, we might consider this rather optimistic. For example, it was reported the other day that Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN has pushed for abortion in all nations.

Ban Ki-Moon says that we cannot ignore the facts:
“Many young people are sexually active, and, because of this, they may face risks to their health.”
That in a nutshell is the humanistic view of sex - a variant of manichaeism: sexual activity is basically a risky inevitability that has to be fixed.

In fact, if two people who are both virgins, are "sexually active" only with each other in a lifelong relationship of marriage, there is no risk to their health. In such a case, sexual activity is good, natural and healthy. So healthy that it often brings new life into being.

It is the other forms of sexual activity that might pose a risk, one that increases in proportion to promiscuity. The answer to this risk is not abortion, "reproductive health services", sex education or condoms, but a return to Christian marriage and the safest sex of all.

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