Thank you, bloggers

Many thanks to Damian for his humorous post on Holy Smoke today featuring the above video.

I thought it would do well as a header for this post in which I want to thank all those who have written about the article in the current issue of the Tablet which I responded to yesterday. So many very kind things have been said, many thoughtful points added to the discussion and a good dose of humour. The support of the Catholic blogosphere has been quite overwhelming and I am deeply grateful. Tomorrow, I will be in Oxford so I will be saying a private Mass early. I will offer it for all of your intentions.

Thanks to fellow bloggers are best given in links so here goes - first of all links to articles from blogs listed in the sidebar:

Holy Smoke (Damian Thompson)

What Does The Prayer Really Say? (Fr Z)

New Liturgical Movement (Shawn Tribe)

Curt Jester (Jeff Miller)

Catholic Church Conservation (Gillibrand)

St Mary Magdalen, Brighton (Fr Ray Blake)

Mulier Fortis (Mac McLernon)

Muniment Room (Ttony)

Bara Brith (Leutgeb)

Catholic Action UK

The Sensible Bond (Ches)

That the bones you have crushed may thrill (Laurence England)

Pellegrinaggio: Crossing the Ponte Sisto

Valle Adurni (Fr Sean Finnegan)

Forest Murmurs (Fr Michael Brown)

Standing on my Head (Fr Dwight Longenecker)

Fr Mildew (Fr Michael Clifton)

Vultus Christi (Father Mark)

Friends with Christ (Fr Richard Aladics)

Fr Anthony Ho

Australia Incognita (Terra)

Summorum (Helsinki)

And some that were not on the blogroll before:

True confessions of a Prodigal Daughter (Mary Rose Maguire)

Sancte Pater (Vincenzo)

Te Deum Laudamus (Diane M. Korzeniewski)

DaTechguy's Blog

LMS Middlesborough

Opinionated Catholic (James H)

If I have missed anyone out, or made any errors in the links, please let me know.

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