Fresno Traditional Mass Society celebrates 20 years

On Sunday 3 October 3 the Fresno Traditional Mass Society will celebrate 20 years of regular celebrations of the usus antiquior in the Diocese of Fresno, California. Fr Michael Stinson FSSP will celebrate High Mass at 3.30pm, at the Shrine of St Therese in Fresno, followed by blessings with a first class relic of St Therese.

The shrine is at 855 E. Floradora Avenue and I just looked up Google Maps to find it. Above is a photo grabbed from the street view and below is a map showing the location of the shrine - over 5,300 miles from London:

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Congratulations to the Fresno Traditional Mass Society. I would also like to commend their website which has a simple and sensible answer to the routine objection "but I don't speak Latin" and a short guide on what to expect when attending the traditional Latin Mass.

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