Today's itinerary and some links

As the Holy Father's aeroplane will be entering British airspace in a few minutes, here is the itinerary for today with some pertinent links:
08:10 Departure from Ciampino Airport, Rome
10:30 Arrival at Edinburgh International Airport
11:00 State Welcome and Audience with HM Queen Elizabeth II, Palace of Holyrood House
11:40State Reception in the grounds of the Palace of Holyrood House

Address: HM The Queen
Address: The Holy Father

13:00 Private Lunch with the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Archbishop's House
17:15 Pope Benedict XVI presides at the celebration of Mass, Bellahouston Park

Homily: The Holy Father

20:00 Departure from Glasgow Airport for London Heathrow
21:25 Arrival at London Heathrow Airport
The Vatican website's UK Papal Visit page - sorry - Apostolic Journey of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom on the Occasion of the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman page. The more important page to look at during the visit is the Travels page which has already listed the 13 addresses of the Holy Father. As the journey progresses, the links will be added to the texts of the addresses once they have been delivered. There you can also find the link to live coverage on CTV (Centro Televisivo Vaticano). There is also a Vatican style 186 page Missal for the Papal Journey. Interesting detail: the Offertory Prayers are printed in Latin (they will be said quietly as there will be singing.)

The Catholic Herald has a Live Blog for the Papal Visit

The Guardian also has a live blog. "live coverage of every turn of the popemobile plus all the pomp and protests" gives you an idea. The BBC has something broadly similar. There is a more balanced live blog at the Telegraph

James MacMillan, composer of music for the Papal Masses, says that Pope Benedict XVI is the worst enemy of Britain's vicious secular elites

The Pope’s address in Westminster Hall is one of his most important ever according to Edward Pentin, Rome correspondent of the Catholic Herald. I think he is right: this is the one to watch, though I think that his remarks on education at Strawberry Hill will also be most important.

It came as a surprise to me to discover that the Universe was one of the sponsors of the celibacy debate the other day. Catholic Voices rightly raises questions about this.

Fr John Boyle has cancelled his subscription to L'Ossequioso Romano after they gave Tony Blair a large chunk of space on the front page.

Catholic Voices is continuing the story of Geoffrey Robinson running away from interviews when he learns that Austen Ivereigh will be against him

And finally, Catholic MP Mark Pritchard accuses BBC of ‘institutional Christianaphobia’ in its coverage of Papal visit

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