This week's spin

Not sure if this is spin or just incompetence. The Herald has a piece on the recent attack on SPUC which they rightly headline as a "poison letter campaign". Basically some anonymous nutter and his/her friend have formed "The 1967 Committee for Godly Governance" and sent round a letter slandering SPUC, saying that it spends most of its money on administration.

Paul Tully from SPUC is quoted as saying
The letter contains a number of misleading and false assertions. We refute these. The point is clearly to mislead pelple and damage SPUC and the pro-life movement as a whole.
but the article then goes on to quote several of the misleading and false assertions without further comment.

As a long-time supporter of SPUC, I have to say that I consider any money I have donated to their high quality work to be very well spent.

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