Chaput speaks up for children with Downs Syndrome

Studies show that more than 80 percent of unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are now terminated in the womb. They’re killed because of a flaw in one of their chromosomes—a flaw that’s neither fatal nor contagious, merely undesirable.Archbishop Chaput refers to a Guardian article which lamented the fact that false positives in testing for Downs Syndrome have led to the "scandalous and disgraceful" killing of "normal" babies. The irony of this blatantly eugenicist assertion is obviously lost on the supposedly liberal and "right-on" Guardian. There seems to be no embarrassment at all about asserting that killing the "normals" is disgraceful while killing the babies with Downs ("defectives" perhaps?) is acceptable. Kypros Nicolaides, professor of foetal medicine at King's College London says that "babies are dying completely unnecessarily" - implying that it is somehow the death of Downs Syndrome babies is necessary. (See: NHS failure on Down's screening kills healthy babies)
H/T Diogenes
John Smeaton also draws attention to an article by Giles Fraser in the (Anglican) Church Times: Exposing the flaws of choice